Our Crazy Lives...

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's a ...

GIRL! According to the ultrasound tech, she's "pretty sure" we're expecting a GIRL this time around so we'll have one of each! This time, the doctor put the ultrasound on DVD too, so I know the grandparents will be excited to see the baby in action. Now it finally feels like I'm pregnant again - work and a toddler keep me too busy to think about it!

Brian and I are thrilled and just wanted to share the news! Hope everyone is doing well and hope to hear from you soon too! We're not 100% sure about what her name will be yet and may decide to keep that to ourselves until she's born, but that's a hard secret to keep! :)

Meanwhile, I've got 2 days left with students and 1 work day before I'm out for the summer. I'm hoping to spend lots of time with Jaxon as it's our last summer as a family of 3. We're getting the house ready to sell, but I still may try to move him into a "big boy bed" in the extra bedroom. The baby will be in a bassinet next to our bed for a few months, but that way, Jax will be out of his crib long enough so it doesn't seem like she's taking over his territory. I'll keep you posted on any summer plans!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Pregnancy update - May

Well, I'm a little over 19 weeks and I can finally say I'm starting to feel pregnant. This pregnancy is going by a whole lot faster than it did with Jaxon- I think life with a toddler and a full-time teaching job keep me too busy to think about it! :)
I've been feeling movement and I've starting to show within the last 2 weeks. I still have not gained any weight to speak of, which is strange since I don't get sick when I'm pregnant, but I'm hoping that I'll be within a normal range. I've definitely been eating enough so I'm sure it'll be fine! It is one week until the big ultrasound and we're very excited! We'll be sure to keep you posted if the baby cooperates and we find out if it's another boy or a girl, so be on the lookout for an e-mail Monday, May 16th!