Our Crazy Lives...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Finally...the move!

We closed on our current house Monday and we close on our new home tomorrow. We've been madly packing, but I've not gotten as much done as I'd like. Marley has been quite demanding as she adjusts to her new reflux meds.

Anyway, we're going to stay up late tonight to finish as much as we can. We close tomorrow at 10:00 and movers are hauling our "big stuff" over between 4-6. We have the refridgerators scheduled to deliver that night, but unfortunately the new couches won't come until next week.

Tomorrow night, although we'll have just the basics, we'll be spending our first night in our new home! I'm excited but I'll miss this house too. I'll miss having a "dog room" right off the porch, Jaxon's nursery we worked so hard on, the big trees out back and of course, the memories we made in this house. But the new place is going to be great! I go back to work Monday, but hope to get most of the unpacking done asap! :) S

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