Our Crazy Lives...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Finally some good news...

I got accepted into the UT Masters program for Early Childhood Special Education (of course this baby postpones those plans for now, but maybe next fall.) I was very excited to get a spot as they are in high demand and I almost felt bad as 3 of my fellow colleagues did not get in, but maybe since I'm declining, one of them will get my spot. It was bittersweet, but I can always get back into the program later.

After much pressure from my PPCD Lead and my principal, the powers that be in RRISD have decided to leave 1 of the 5 programs scheduled to close open to relieve any crowding and it's my classroom! So not only do I get to forego the pregnant job hunt, but I'll get either a larger room or 2 adjoining rooms. Plus, it'll be a Together We Can program- that's where for low tuition, RRISD employees can bring their kids to PPCD to serve as developmental role models- and so Jaxon will be able to come to school with me once he's 3 for less than we'd pay for child care. How cool is that!!!

Brian and I are getting the house ready to sell after all. We went back and forth about whether or not to move. On one hand, we like our house and don't need much more than this, but on the other hand, we'd like more of a neighborhood feel and we'd love an extra playroom too. We bought this house when I was 2 months pregnant with Jaxon and Brian reminded me how much easier it was to move before the baby came. He thinks that if we put it off much longer, that the baby will be here and then it'll be even harder to move. Brian has convinced me to look outside of my "comfort zone" into Cedar Park, Leander and Georgetown as well as in Round Rock. Hopefully this will be our last move for awhile!

Jaxon is feeling better after a month's worth of colds and viral junk. Brian has had bronchitis twice this month and I've been keeping a close eye on him to be sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia- luckily he's much better about going to the doctor than I am. I've been feeling great- again I don't really feel pregnant. I'm starting to get a little pudge now, but still not really gaining weight. I did get to hear the heartbeat at the last appointment and go back after my birthday in April. I think the doctor is going to put off my ultrasound until the May appointment, so I have to wait until then to find out if it's another boy or a girl. I'm trying to enjoy every minute as this pregnancy will most likely be my last- so far so good!

:) S

Sunday, March 13, 2005

March update...

Jaxon got over his viral junk but it took almost a whole week. The poor baby was miserable! He's feeling better but having some teething problems right now. His top canines finally came through and his bottom canines are almost there. Hopefully he'll get his second molars soon so we'll be done with this! :) Brian and I went with Rick to the lake last weekend and Jaxon got to stay with my parents. He had an absolute blast and even managed to beat the rain and go to the zoo. He liked sitting on the big kimodo dragon statue and got to see several animals before the rain returned.
Brian's car ended up costing a little more than a grand. Typical- we get a car paid off and then something like that happens! It's spring break here and we're enjoying it. Surprisingly this is the first year in quite a while that I wasn't counting down to spring break, but even so, I'm glad it's here! Brian is at the lake again with Rick for a few days and when he returns, Jax is going back to his grandparents' house so we can have a mini-vacation alone. Brian says we can go anywhere I want, but I'm not sure where I want to go. It'll be short only 4 days and I don't exactly want to shell out big bucks at the moment, so I don't know what we'll do. First I though we could get a loft downtown and hang out there, but obviously I wasn't thinking- I'm pregnant and don't need to be around the smoke (but the live music and quiet dinners would've been nice!)
I'm feeling so good that I sometimes forget I'm pregnant...doesn't that sound ridiculous? I've not gained any weight either which makes me a bit nervous. I guess I should be happy. I go back to the doctor in a week to hear the heartbeat and I'm hoping that will alleviate some of my fears. In the meanwhile, I'm trying not to stress about everything else - job, moving, need new child care, having a new baby and a toddler, 2 in diapers- no worries right? Eeek!
Anyway, Jax and I are enjoying some time together at home while Brian is fishing and it's been really nice. We went to Todd and Wendy's yesterday so Jax and Dylan could play together and I could get some baby time with Shelby. It seems so foreign to hold a little baby again. I swear you forget that you ever had one that small. It won't be easy at first (and child care will be really bad) but I think the timing is going to work out really well after all. We've got about 8 weeks until we find out what we're having and that will make it more real too. I'd like Jax to have a brother, but a little girl would be nice too. I guess I'll just wait and see if I start having any intuition and then get confirmation at the ultrasound. I'll keep you posted!