Our Crazy Lives...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Jaxon gets a haircut

Jaxon woke up fussy this morning and stuck to my leg... he's kind of going through this phase right now... but when I couldn't pry him off, I decided to wake Brian up to hang out with Jax while I got ready. As soon as he came downstairs, Jaxon jumped into his lap and sat watching the Wiggles while I got ready. They looked so cute together! He sure loves his daddy! Just the other day, he walked over to our side table where a copy of Rolling Stone was laying out. It had Tom Cruise on the cover and Jax picked it up, brought it over, pointed at Tom and said "Dada!" :) I mean he is a short, brown haired man...and does have the rugged look going on the cover... but to think Jax thought it was Brian was hilarious.

This afternoon, I took him to get his haircut (it's only his second one) and he did pretty well. He started fussing at the end, but he waved bye-bye and blew kisses as he left, so I think he was happy to get his "big boy haircut!" When I got him home and saw him with the haircut, basketball outfit and shoes it felt like I left my baby somewhere and brought home a three-year old version of Jax. He's big for his age anyway and it's so hard to believe how quickly he's grown up. When we came home, he walked in the yard, sat in his swing and started to "shhh!" Beau as he barked in the yard... he's just too funny! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Jaxon - Milestones for September

Gosh is this kid growing up! He's been entertaining us all with his antics lately! He does his "Excited Face" by opening his eyes up wide, making the biggest grin possible, and spreading out all of the fingers on his hands. It's too funny! :) Then he'll switch to his "Mad Face/Mean Face" where he tilts his head down to put his chin on his chest, looks up at you under his brow and growls. Also pretty darn funny!

He responds to directions- come here, sit down, bring me a book, get your milk/toy/food, etc. - which I'm glad to see. He still doesn't identify many body parts (like they say he should) but I'm not "working on" that kind of stuff. We're learning through play at this point and I'm not going to push him.

He dances to any music he happens to hear on the radio on or tv. He smiles and claps when we sing "If you're happy and you know it..." He is particularly fond of the "pump,pump,pump, pump, pump" song on the commercial for St.Joseph's aspirin. It's so funny... the song talks about the blood as it travels to the heart in follow-the-bouncing-aspirin style and everytime he sees it, he says "Pump pump! Pump pump!" so I'll rewind it! He also likes the "Bad Boys" theme on cops and says "Baa Bo!" when he wants to hear it again! Ha ha! That's my boy!

I finally got him some new shoes. Since he was learning to walk I didn't bother for quite awhile, but since his favorite past time is walking barefoot through the yard, I figured it was about time. I took him to Shoes 4 Kids, and surprisingly, he didn't fuss about putting on the shoes. I bought him some little white and navy stride rite sneakers with velcro straps. I saw some other really cute stylish shoes, but they had tie laces and I figure it'd be hard to get him to sit still long enough to get them on and tied! He wears a 6 1/2 kids shoe!

He's made friends with Wyatt now, the little baby Cheryl watches in addition to Jax and Alyssa. He was unsure about a baby taking any attention away from him, but now they're buddies. Cheryl said Wyatt was fussy and Jaxon walked over, picked up his pacifier and put it in his mouth! Too funny! He'll be a good big brother one day.

:) S

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The visit with Dr.Cortez

Today was the visit with Dr.Cortez, the pediatric urologist that the ER and my pediatrician recommended. Jax had a fever over the weekend which had me a bit worried, so I was glad to get in so quickly. Even though the ER had recommended him and I thought I signed a release form, they did not send him the ultrasounds we had taken there. But he did a physical exam and determined that it is a hydrocele (fluid-filled cyst) of the spermatic cord. He says that this occurs in about 50% of infant boys early on and can go away on its own (usually within the first year.) But, he says it usually envelops the testicle and Jax's is in the cord above the testicle, so he wants us to schedule another visit in 6 weeks at his Children's Hospital location to check it's status and determine if we'll need to do surgery...keep your fingers crossed that we don't have to do that!

Friday, September 10, 2004

A night in the ER

Well what an exciting Friday night! I picked Jaxon up and when we got home while changing his diaper I noticed that one side of a certain sensitive area was enlarged. By this time it's Friday at 5:00, so the doctor's office recommended going to the ER at Children's Hospital. We decided instead to go to Round Rock Hospital figuring we'd bypass traffic and hopefully be seen more quickly. Bad idea... We got there at 5:15 and we're seen by a doctor an hour later. He said he was pretty sure that it was just a cyst, but that they'd need to do an ultrasound to be sure it wasn't an immediate threat. So then we proceeded to wait for 4 more hours to get an ultrasound!!! My poor little baby was such a trooper too. He didn't fuss hardly at all...in fact I think that Brian and I had a harder time spending 5+ hours in the ER than he did.
They've suggested we make an appointment with a pediatric urologist they recommended next week. I feel a little better now, but I guess we'll wait and see what the doctor says.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

Well, three day weekends are great but they sure seem to fly by! My parents came up Saturday morning, had lunch with us and took Jaxon home with them. When they first walked in, Jaxon ran to my mom with his arms outstretched and almost made her cry! They love him so!

We had the fantasy football draft at our house Saturday and it went pretty well. It definitely was easier without Jax there to distract us and I know he had fun with his Grandma & Grandpa. We were planning on going out or playing cards on our night without Jaxon, but ended up having a few drinks and staying home! Oh well...it was just nice to not have to get up at 6:00 (even though we ended up waking up early out of habit!) I went to San Antonio Sunday and ended up spending the night. Jaxon has started refering to my dad as "Pa-po" but still doesn't call my mom by name yet. I think that made my dad's day! He had a great visit with his grandparents! :)