Our Crazy Lives...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Back to school- week 2

I'm running out of steam big time this week! Being back at school has been a tough adjustment for me and for Jaxon. He's been a bit fussy and gets upset when I leave him at the sitter's house...but I also know the minute I'm out of sight he's playing and having a good time, so I guess it's just that he's not used to being back there 5 days a week yet. Neither am I! He's also starting some "terrible two" behaviors which I not too thrilled with, but be handled easily.

I'm having a good year so far though the kids are under control and seem to get along pretty well. I like my aide Susie's sub too, which makes for a smoother start. I need to get used to getting Jaxon up and around too...that has been the challenge. He wants to cuddle up with me in the morning and we just don't have the time. Or if he gets up early and we do have time, then he's awake and ready to play when I'm trying to get around. AARRGGGG!

Well, I've been looking around at new home builders in Round Rock (if we're staying here, Brian wants to "move up" this spring.) It's fun to check out floorplans and I want to go see some models in a neighborhood I like in particular. There are two neighborhoods just down the road a bit from where we are now that I find interesting, so I may go check those out this weekend just for kicks. I'm also hoping to start getting the toy towers under control and the rest of the house organized too! We have lots of space, we just have too much stuff! Anyway, wish me luck! I'll write back soon (hopefully!)

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Jaxon- Milestones for August

Well, Jaxon has just taken off developmentally. I look back to when he was just a baby and it's amazing how fast they grow and change in the first year! He's officially a toddler at 13 months now, so here's the latest:
  1. He blows kisses with his hand (before he just kissed into the air and looked like he was trying to spit!)
  2. He walks very well and has started trying to run, but it's still a little herky-jerky!
  3. He says "bye, bye" and waves (but only when he wants to!)
  4. Other words he uses: Mama, Dada, Papa, Gaga (trying to say grandma!) Beau-beau, more, duck, thank you (sounds like gang goo!)
  5. He loves being outside- either in his swing or his little house, or just walking barefoot in the grass.
  6. He eats whatever you are eating...so you'd better be ready to share! :)

A Crazy start...back to work!

This week has been exhausting for me! It was teacher prep/staff development week. Between getting my room rearranged, making the visual schedules for the class, the Welcome Walk-home visits, and supply drop off night...I'm worn out! I went to school pretty early all week and didn't get home until 6 or so, and that's quite a bit to get used to after having the summer off! The good news is, I'll usually be leaving work around 4 now that things are basically back in order. This is the first week with the students and I only have 6 (as opposed to last year's 12!) Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well! :)

Monday, August 09, 2004

Brian's promotion!

I just found out that Brian got promoted to LOR-TSR... that's basically a server specialist like he was, but for "large opportunity" companies. It's a great step and he's excited about it. He's been very successful at work and they've definitely taken notice of that! This job is here in Texas, so that postpones a move to Nashville for awhile at least.

Congrats to him! :)
Well... I survived my first day back at work without Jaxon. I have this week for staff development and teacher prep and next week the kids return. I'm looking forward to a good year, but I'll miss being with Jax all day. :( Also, my support Susie (a.k.a my partner in crime! haha!) will be out until October with a badly broken leg. She's getting better everyday, but won't be ready at the start. I know she wishes she was, and I do too, but better safe than sorry. They found a sub for her that I don't know, but hopefully she'll be ok until Susie comes back.

Jaxon was a little nervous about my leaving him today (he was probably scared I wouldn't return for awhile like when we were on vacation!) Once he saw his "girlfriend" Alyssa at our sitter Cheryl's house, he was in a better mood and I think he probably had a pretty good day... it was just overwhelming. He's got her daughters (2nd grade Jessie & 7th grade Brittany) to play with this week and next week it'll be back to just him, Alyssa, and a new 6 month old, Wyatt. I know he loves being around the kids, so hopefully he'll continue to enjoy himself while I'm at work.

Keep your fingers crossed that I can get everything done! :)

Saturday, August 07, 2004

It's been a wild summer at the Schock house! Jaxon and I had a great time home together while school was out. Jaxon had his first birthday party and had a blast! Toys have completely taken over my house at this point, but I guess that goes with the territory. I can't believe he's already one and walking all over the place. It still freaks us out sometimes when he just gets up and tears across the room! :) It doesn't seem that long ago that we had a tiny bundle of joy...now we have the supersized toddler version!

On one hand, I'm ready to go back to school- get the room together, see my class, talk to "grown up" people during the day...but on the other hand, I'll miss him even more this time around! No more sharing my toast and watching The Wiggles in the morning! I think he'll miss me too...at least until he sees his "girlfriend" Alyssa at the sitter's house!

Brian and I decided to use my last week off to check out Nashville as we may end up relocating there (we'll have to save world travel for next summer.) It was my first time away from Jax overnight (let alone 4 nights) but he was fine and I only called a few times to check in (ok...so it was a few times each day, but what can you expect?!?) We had a wonderful time... I had a preconceived idea about Nashville being just country singers and rednecks, but it's not. In fact, it's entertainment and people were similar to Austin...it's just much prettier there with lots of towering trees, lakes and mountains. Anyway, we had a great time and a day to recover and get used to the idea of going back at work!