Our Crazy Lives...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

December update...

Well its December already and I can't believe it. The weather was 80 degrees around Thanksgiving, which doesn't exactly put you in the holiday spirit, but it has finally started to cool down in Texas. We've even had a few light freezes in the evenings. We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Schocks house with Grandma Schock and Aunt Pam was in from Arizona as well. Later that weekend, I took the kids down to San Antonio just for an overnight visit, but we had a good time.

I got one of my Christmas presents early...a Toyota Sienna XLE minivan. I know, I know... you're thinking "My God Stephanie! You WANTED a minivan?!?" But after fighting the idea for so long, we've determined that its a total lifesaver with 2 young kids. It has all the bells and whistles -power doors and liftgate, power sunroof, DVD, leather- so if the "family van" idea still makes you sick, you can appreciate that, at least, we have the "pimped out" version! Ha ha!

Marley has been walking around like she owns the place after determining that she can get her hands on way more "stuff" if she walks. :) Jaxon and Marley have both been playing very well together and keeping each other entertained as well. Its pretty fun to watch them. He'll even act like a teacher and give her choices "Marley, do you want you cup? Yes or no?" and then after watching her reaction, either say "yes" and give her the cup, or "no" and put it on the table. It's too funny. Before long, she'll be keeping him in check as she appears to have a little Diva personality (who did she get that from? You decide!)

I've reconnected with my sister as well over the past few months. I really enjoy getting to talk to her on the phone again as we now talk almost daily. It's amazing how easy it is to become so busy in your own life that you seem to lose contact. Anyway, she can't wait for Christmas and is joining the grandparents in the complete and total spoiling of my children (who she calls her "angels.")

We'll be spending Christmas with Aunt Lindsay and my family and either Christmas Eve or Christmas afternoon with the Schocks. Somewhere in between we'll have time for presents at our house as well as Santa and all of the relatives will be loading the kids up again this year. It should be a great holiday! Now... got to start thinking about the stuff we can get rid of to make room for all of the new toys... Humbug...

Friday, November 10, 2006


I have been so busy that I haven't really kept up with the blog...sorry! Ok... let's pick up where we left off.

Bevo has a little notch in her ear but nothing too noticeable after her surgery. She has recently taken to crawling under the fence after we leave for work to play with the golden retriever next door! Thankful, my neighbor is wonderful and doesn't mind the dogs playing together in her backyard, but I think we may have a mud problem if it rains! :)

Marley's doing great. She finally took to one particular sippy cup, and since she's gotten the hang of it, she'll drink out of any sippy we give her. She has taken up to 6 steps at a time, but usually stops and slowly lowers herself to the ground so she can crawl instead! She can walk, she just chooses to crawl because she can do it faster I think. Her first birthday was great. We just had family over for cake and socializing. She got way too much in the way of gifts and clothing (as usual) but at least now she's got her winter wardrobe completely covered. Of course, it's now November and still 85, so hopefully she'll have a chance to wear those cute cool weather clothes soon!

Jaxon is still enjoying school, but testing a bit more. My assistants have been great about stepping in when they see him taking advantage of the situation. He is more whiny when I am trying to deal with a problem he may be having and I'm sure its because I'm mom. Its kind of a hard balance for me too... sometimes I see myself letting him get away with the whining when I shouldn't... so for now, I have to keep relying on Kendal and Christy for discipline when it comes to Jaxon. Its probably better that way too because then everyone will know the rules apply to him just like everyone else, know what I mean?

Halloween- Jaxon and I went trick-or-treating with our neighbor Shari and her daughter Megan. Marley was along for the ride in her stroller while the husbands visited in the driveway with some cold brew and candy to hand out. Jaxon went as a dinosaur with flashing shoes and necklace and Megan wore a brightly colored "nice witch" costume with a cat on the front (she insisted she was a cat, but that doesn't do her adorable costume justice.) They had an absolute blast. Jaxon as low at first, but was soon racing with Megan up to each door and knocking. They'd sometimes start to knock and then tell the other one, "That's enough..." :) At one point, Jaxon looked at Megan and asked "Did you get a haircut?" It totally cracked me up! Once they knocked on a door that hadn't been totally closed and proceeded to walk in! At every door, Megan said she was a cat and demonstrated how her cat basket meowed and then Jaxon would chime in "I'm a dinosaur...Roooaaaar!" It was great fun. The next day when we got home from school Jaxon said "I get me costume on and then we'll go trick-or-treat with Megan!" If only it came more than once a year...

Marley's daycare provider called me last night to let me know she was ill and wouldn't be able to watch her so I tried to call in to get a sub. As luck would have it, I woke up sick as a dog today, so the timing couldn't have been better. I would not have made it today. That said, my head is throbbing...I'm hoping Marley will nap for me so I can get some rest too... I'll try my best to stay on top of the posts... :) S

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September update...

This month absolutely FLEW by! Let's see... what happened this month...

Brian had a pretty uneventful 29th birthday. The concert we were going to see that evening was postponed and has yet to be rescheduled, so we just kind of hung out at home that night. Brian did get the Weber grill he has been wanting though, so at least he fared well in the gift department!

Bevo had to have surgery to remove a growth from her ear. She has had her head bandaged up for over a week and has to wear an e-collar and the new bandage for another day or two. The poor dog! She's dying to get that silly e-collar off. First, she'd look at us sadly, like "Take this off of me!" Then she was just plain MAD about it and trying to tear it off. Now she's not too bothered by it,but looks a little downtrodden. I'm hoping when we take the bandages off tomorrow that her ear won't have a big notch in it were he had to remove the spot.

Jaxon and I are both enjoying school. He has done a great job distinguishing between when I'm "teacher" and when I'm "mama." He always calls me mama of course, but he has been great about letting me do my job without interference. I was worried he may have a hard time "sharing" me with the other kids, but he hasn't. It has worked out even better than I could have imagined. :) He has several friends in class and really enjoys school. Its very cool for me to hear from a parent's perspective some of the things he talks about when we get home, the things hes learning, and the songs he loves to sing!

Marley turns 1 at the end of the month and I can hardly believe it. She stands no without holding on, but still no walking yet. She likes to eat "real" food, but will have nothing to do with drinking out of a sippy cup. I'm not sure what we're doing for her birthday yet, but I put together a slideshow for her first year to share at her party. You can click below to see it (but its about 9 minutes or so)... it has lots of cute pics, and several funny ones that I couldn't bear to leave out! :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Jaxon's First Week in My Classroom

I haven't had a chance to post lately because we're back to work, but wanted to share Jaxon's first week in my classroom. He started as one of the 6 staff children/"typical peers" in my special ed preschool class. I have 2 assistants as well, so there are other "teachers" in the room, but I was kind of worried how he'd do and if he'd be able to really distinguish between whats ok at home and whats ok at school.

I'm so proud of him! He's done great! He's only done that whiny "Mama!" thing once this week and my asst. was there to step in. He has figured out that everyone else has to call me Ms.Schock and when I wouldn't call on him to answer today, he calls out "Ms. SCHOCK!?!" Ha ha! He even called me "Mama Schock" when he was talking to a friend about me!

Every morning he asks "Mama... can we go to big school today?" I am absolutely loving it! My assistants say I work too hard to be sure I'm not favoring him, so today I snuck a few kisses since everyone gets hugs... he doesn't seem to mind either way! I absolutely love having him with me all day (of course I still have to pay $400 a month to pay for my 2nd assistant like everybody else, but its worth it!)

Monday, July 17, 2006


I can hardly believe our little boy is 3 years old now! Jaxon always used to say "I 2. I be 3 in July." It took all day to get him to realize it WAS July and he is 3 now. :) We had just a small birthday party at the house for him. Everything was Superman - cake, balloons, decorations - he LOVES Superman and never tires of it! Both sets of grandparents came as well as Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Brent, Great Grandma Schock and the neighbors: Bryan, Shari and Megan. He had a BLAST opening presents (he got too many of course, but what's new?) He played on the playscape and ran outside in the sprinklers with Megan at the end of the party. Needless to say, he slept GREAT that night!

Marley had her 9 month well check (even though its more like 9.5 months because of their "scheduling conflict.") She is back on her growth curve and so they are not worried about anything at this point. She's 17 lbs.15 oz. (in the 25th %,) 27 3/4 inches tall (50%) and her head is 45 cm (75%.) So basically she's average height but pretty skinny with a pretty big head! Ha ha! Anyway, she's doing great and keeps getting better. Her reflux seems to have subsided, she started taking an interest in food, she's "talking" more, getting teeth and scooting around by any means necessary! She's dying to catch up with her big brother, so maybe she'll be walking soon? We'll see...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Summer's here and quickly winding down...

We've really had our ups and downs this summer. The summer started out great- just hanging out at the house with the kids mostly. I was really enjoying being home but it was a BIG adjustment too. We had Jaxon in gymnastics through June and then stopped due to scheduling conflicts. We also have Bevo doing puppy training and look forward to doing basic obedience as well when she gets a little older. That was the fun stuff...

The summer started to take a turn for the worse in June. My grandmother passed away in mid-June at the age of 95. We knew it was coming, and thankfully she went peacefully, but it was still very difficult.

Brian and I were really hoping to get away for a vacation the last week in June, but because my grandma was ill, we didn't think my mom would be available to watch the kids and decided to just stay home during vacation. As it turned out, my mom was able to watch the kids during our vacation week, but we only had a few days to plan one. We didn't have passports and wouldn't be able to get them in time, so after an all-day search online, we ended up booking a trip to Las Vegas. We hadn't been in about 4 years, so it was neat to see all of the changes they've made since our last trip. The kids and Bevo stayed with my parents for a few days and Brian's parents that weekend until we returned. ALL were spoiled! :)

Soon after our return, our AC went out! As you know, Texas in July without AC is miserable! We lasted one night and by the following evening, I took the kids back to grandma's and Brian crashed on a friend's couch so he could still be close to work. It took the home warranty's AC repair shop 6 days to fix it!!! Argh! Meanwhile, I had a week long workshop in Austin and Brian had to work as well, so we ended up having to leave the kids and spend 2 nights in a hotel. We Are so glad to be back home! :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Our new addition!

Well, we said we were done having kids, but maybe not. Now that I have your attention... our new addition is an adorable puppy! (And we ARE done having kids by the way!)

After talking about it for a few weeks, we decided we wanted another dog. We have been checking out the shelters for a few weeks and couldn't find any adult dogs that would work (we found a great mix that was good with the kids and we really loved, but she couldn't handle other animals.) So, this past weekend, at one adoption site I saw a puppy I liked after Brian had walked in to get the kids into the cart. I pet her and then went into the store to shop. Brian saw her as we drove off and mentioned that he didn't see her outside.

We went to 3 shelters that afternoon and met a few dogs, but none that would fit in our family. So late that afternoon, we went back to the Petco adoption site and the 3 puppies were still there. I found the one I liked, got her out to meet us and we decided that since I'd be home this summer, I probably have time for a puppy after all. :) So we brought her home and she's just a doll! She is very low-key for a puppy and has many "Brina-like" qualities. She has been riding around in the car with us, playing in the yard and doesn't bother our other pets. We're working on crate training and potty training as she's only 10 weeks, but so far so good.

After going through many names, we decided to let Jaxon pick... so we have a lovely little GIRL dog named BEVO! Jaxon loves to yell "Hook 'em Horns!" so it fits I guess!
:) Just one more addition to be sure our "crazy lives" stay crazy! S

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Oh my, its May!

I feel like the past few months have just flown by! Let's see... what's new around here... a huge storm with golf ball sized hail damaged both of our cars and totaled our roof. Thank goodness for insurance, but we still have to get the deductible together and schedule the cars and reroof. Sounds like fun I know!

Marley is really getting around lately. Still no "real" crawl, but she "commando crawls" and rolls all over the place and is fast too! She has an appointment at Children's Hospital next week where we hope to get to the bottom of this reflux problem. Fingers crossed it goes well...

Jaxon's time at daycare is coming to an end and while I'm looking forward to having the summer home with the kids, I know he'll miss it. He'll miss all of his friends and the activities they do at school. We're continuing gymnastics this summer, but have to get a schedule going to keep him busy. I was planning on soccer too, but since for his age its a parent participation class, I can't enroll him (soccer with a baby strapped to my chest sounds like fun, but I should probably pass!)

We lost our "sweet mama dog" Brina at the end of April to lymphoma. After 7 years with us, she was still trying to put a smile on our faces up until the end. We had just found out about possible treatments, when she suddenly had trouble walking and collapsed in the yard. It happened so fast. Brian had to carry her back into the house and called the vet. He stayed home with her all day and had to take her in that evening to be put down. We all cried for days about it, but know it was best as she was suffering.

Brina and hail damage aside, we have been doing well. Jaxon continues to amaze me as he is the best big brother we could have asked for. Marley adores him as well and I think she'll be scrambling to keep up with him before we know it. Looking forward to a nice summer with the kids and a nice vacation for just me and Brian too! We'll keep you posted (at least I'll try to post more often!) S

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March Madness!!!

Well...not really! In fact, things are finally calming down around here.

Marley has really started to let her "princess side" rest and is much more laid back lately. Her reflux is better (still a spitter, but no prescription meds anymore.) She delights in sitting up and looking around, visiting family and friends and rolling all the way across the room. She has been cooing for quite awhile, but on Monday I noticed she finally started to really babble "dada." She made the move into her own bed and into her own room over Spring Break and is doing great with the move. She has been sleeping every night from 8:00 until about 3:00 am, but after a night nurse, she quickly goes back to sleep.

Jaxon has been growing leaps and bounds again too. We enjoyed spending a good part of Spring Break at grandma's house in San Antonio while Brian was on a fishing trip. We went to a drive-through Wildlife Ranch and every antelope, elk, etc. was "a Rudolph!!!" (Yes, I know its March, but Jaxon is obsessed with the old claymation Burl Ives Rudolph movie! Ha ha!) He also thought it was quite funny when the ostrich bypassed the food I'd thrown down and instead decided to bop his head around in my car. He loved getting to sit on our laps (actually crawl back and forth to mom and grandma's laps) in the front seat too.

Spring time fun is on its way too. Jaxon begs to go to the park in our neighborhood. We have only gone to the little one and I'm sure once he sees the big one, it'll be even harder to get him to leave! Knowing how much he loves the park, Grandma and grandpa ordered a big playscape for our backyard. It's going to be installed as soon I hear back from our HOA and I know we'll be spending even more time in the backyard once its here. Jaxon went for a trial gymnastics class this week and I think we'll get him started with that now and maybe do another sport in the summer. His low muscle tone and coordination need work and gymnastics would be a fun way to "work!" He really enjoyed it since its a mom and tot class, I'm getting an hour's worth of exercise too.

I'll try to keep you posted with our crazy lives! :) S

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Christmas,The New Year and into February...

Well, it's been almost 2 months since I've had a chance to update. We've been very busy! :)

The holidays were great this year... so much to be thankful for. We had Christmas Eve & Christmas morning in San Antonio with my family. On Christmas Eve, we went to see the New Orleans Saints play the Detroit Lions at the Alamodome which was fun. We had a nice quiet night at the house and opened presents the following morning. We had Christmas with the Schocks the day after Christmas upon their return from Kansas. Jaxon made out like a bandit (as usual) and Marley got lots of clothes (we still have all of the baby toys left from when Jax was a baby.) We had an uneventful New Year's Eve, but still managed to start the year off right.

We love our new home and neighborhood. We really couldn't have asked for more. There are several 2.5 year olds on our street too, so we didn't have to go far to find playmates for Jaxon!

Jaxon continues to be a fantastic big brother to Marley. He loves her so much and she just adores him! When we get in the car, he always looks over at her, smiles and shrieks "MARLEY!! Ah goo!" (I said once that babies can't really talk like big people yet and say things like "ah goo," so now he always says that to her!)

Marley is the polar opposite of Jaxon when he was a baby. She is already social and likes to be in on everything. Jaxon would just kind of hang out... sit in his boppy and play... not Marley! She wants to be moving! She likes to sit up and watch the people around her. Jaxon crawled late and hated tummy time... this little thing LOVES to be on her tummy, props herself up to swat at objects held above her, and at this rate, she should be crawling in no time. Jaxon over the 100th% on the growth charts from 2 weeks old... Marley is no where near her "off the charts" brother. At 4 months, she weighs about 14 pounds putting her between the 25th-50th% for weight, and 24.5 inches tall in the 50-75th% for height. That said, they were both great babies, just very different from each other.

I'll try to keep the blog updated, but with working full-time, two kids under 3, the house and a husband to take care of, I'm not making any promises! :) S