Our Crazy Lives...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So I'm a horrible blogger

...but what's new right? :) Ok, so school has been VERY busy, but good too. Same goes for the kids. My house is kind of a mess right now but I'm too tired to really do anything about it. Seriously considering a monthly maid service! But... summer is ALMOST here so soon I'll have no excuse other than my own kids keeping me busy (but you know they really do keep you busy!)

So the end of March brought our anniversary- 8 years of marriage- and we went out to celebrate. Then my birthday in mid-April. 31. When I turned 30, I really considered it more like the end of my twenties, so 31 would officially be "in my thirties." I wasn't so sure I was excited about it. In fact, I had a terrible day-- it was POURING rain and even with an umbrella, getting my students off the bus I got soaked from the hip down. Of course I had no extra clothes so I was wearing wet jeans all day. Had a headache, looked like a drowned rat, etc.

I come home and Brian asks "Are we going to just dinner or dinner and a movie?" All I really wanted to do was hang around, but the inlaws had offered to watch the kids and maybe some kid-free time would help my headache, so I went upstairs, took a shower and quickly got around. Didn't bother fixing my hair as it was still raining so a curly-headed Stephanie went out with Brian. We headed to Alamo Drafthouse- hadn't been in forever and wanted a good laugh, so we went to see a comedy. We got in and Brian realized he left his phone in the car so he ran out to get it. As soon as he left they started talking about it being a "World Premiere Beer" night from a local brewery and I was hoping Brian wouldn't miss out. He comes back in with his phone, a PERFECT birthday card (the kind that looks like it was made just for you and makes you cry), a disc (I find out later it's Adobe CS3 Premium--YAY!) and then produces a box. I open it to find diamond studs. What a wonderful surprise!!! So I guess 31 isn't so bad...

School is finishing up June 3rd and I'm excited. I still can't believe how wonderful this program has been for me. We have had a very successful pilot year and are expanding next year. :) Nothing feels better than getting kids to an age-appropriate level and dismissed from special education. It is so wonderful to see these kids making such great progress. I absolutely love it! That said, I'm also ready for a little break! :)

Marley and Jaxon are doing great in school. Jaxon has loved his kinder teacher and wants to stay with her! Fortunately for him, even though he'll be in first grade, I assured him that he will still see her around! :) Marley thinks she's ready for kinder, but of course, she misses the cutoff so she has two more long years to go. She loves her class so I think she'll be ok, but I may look into private kinder that last year (of course that depends on the $). They both continue swim and are having a blast. Jaxon is finishing up flag football, and though I was worried at first, he really likes it and is doing very well! I think it'll be too hot for summer though, so we'll do it again in the fall. Jaxon wants to play tennis and Marley wants to dance, so between swim, those choices and possibly indoor soccer, we should be busy enough.

Gotta run, but I will post back soon (I think...)