Our Crazy Lives...

Monday, February 21, 2005

It HAS gotten crazier...

Remember when I said if it got any crazier, I didn't know what I'd do? Well...we're at that point now. First, Brian was involved it a hit-and-run accident (basically the other guy bumped him off the road and took off!) Brian didn't realize how badly he was hurt or the damage to the car, and since he didn't have his cell phone and no one else was around to help, he drove himself home. When I saw him the next morning, he had a huge bump and gash on his head from hitting the side of the car door and the front bumper was pretty seriously damaged. The swelling went down but he still has a terrible looking gash on his head. The car is in the shop and insurance will not pay for it because no police report was filed the night of the accident. Hopefully it won't be too expensive (it may not end up being too much more than our deductible anyway.)
Then, Jaxon gets sick while we're at a friends house. He threw up all over himself in his pack/n/play while sleeping. We clean him up as best we can and bring him home to give him a bath (of course it's about 12:30 by this time.) He got sick again at 4:30 that night. Jax has only thrown up once before so he was freaked out and the following day he didn't eat and still got sick 3 more times. I stayed home with him today and my mom will be up to watch him tomorrow. The doctor's office said to be sure he stayed hydrated and that if he had less than 3 wet diapers a day we'd need to go to the hospital (we're averaging once every 6 months with this kid!) Keep your fingers crossed that all gets better for us!


Monday, February 07, 2005

What a wild month!

First, let me start by saying that if it gets any crazier, I'm not sure what we'll do! We're in hyper mode to get our house ready to sell and to move into a new house. We've found two neighborhoods we really like and both are within 15 minutes of our current location. Brian really likes that they're both golf course communities too...he can see himself with Jax on the greens already! :) We're hoping to get things ready and have moved in before the baby comes.
Yes...the baby. Little did I know we were already pregnant when I wrote in the previous post we'd be trying in the summer! It wasn't exactly planned, but we're both getting really excited about our little surprise too! Brian was much more relaxed at first about being pregnant again than I was. I guess the control freak in me wanted to plan this one out just like I did with Jaxon, but now I see that I should just be thrilled that I'm able to have children. So, now that I see that the baby coming a few months earlier than I had planned will be just as wonderful and we're excited. I can't wait to find some names and to hear this baby's heartbeat. We have a few girl names we like, but we're having a hard time with boy names. I kind of want another boy (because Jaxon was SO easy) but the grandmas desperately want a girl. I guess I'll be happy with either as long as the baby is happy and healthy. The first appointment is at the end of the month and I'll keep you posted!