Our Crazy Lives...

Monday, January 17, 2005

What's new in 2005?

We're off to a great start this year! Brian and I are trying to start a health kick- so far, so good. We're trying to eat better (for our sake as well as when Jaxon decides he'll only eat what we're eating.) Brian has been going to our local rec center to workout and I've been working out a little at home too.
I have decided to try for the longhorn grant to go for my masters degree in Early Childhood Special Education. If I get the grant, I'll attend school part-time free of charge and will receive a stipend for books too. It'll take me two years at that pace to finish. I wanted to go for Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders, but the ECSE program has been structured for working people with classes on campus only Saturdays (and not every week either!) That's too good to pass up! I've gotten my letters of recommendation and both UT applications done and now I've just got to get my resume in, write my purpose and take the GRE. I'm pretty nervous about taking the test, but I'm studying up a bit and hopefully that will help me. Keep your fingers crossed!
We're organizing the house and getting it ready to sell. I'm hoping to get rid of a lot of "stuff" to make the move easier. We're still not sure where we'l end up yet, but have found several new and "newer" neighborhoods that we really like. We're hoping to move in the next few months. We're also planning on trying for baby #2 in the early summer- still trying to plan around the school year, so we'll see what happens! :) Hope to hear from you soon!


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