Our Crazy Lives...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Well, after much thought, I decided to keep Jaxon home on Halloween. Jaxon went with Rick and Carol to his great grandma Schock's house to stay the night so Brian and I went to dinner and a movie on Saturday. Then, Brian went to watch the football games on Sunday and got home just in time to help us hand out candy. I didn't put him into his "Bam-bam" costume as I'd planned (it consisted of a chamois for his caveman cloth and a club! Ha ha!) He was in his little skeleton skirt and that was cute enough! At first I was worried that he'd be driven crazy by the door bell ringing or be scared by the costumes, but quite the contrary! He LOVED having people come up to our house, was excited to see everyone even with scary bloody costumes, and even wanted to hand out the candy himself. He is too cute! :)

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