Our Crazy Lives...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Christmas,The New Year and into February...

Well, it's been almost 2 months since I've had a chance to update. We've been very busy! :)

The holidays were great this year... so much to be thankful for. We had Christmas Eve & Christmas morning in San Antonio with my family. On Christmas Eve, we went to see the New Orleans Saints play the Detroit Lions at the Alamodome which was fun. We had a nice quiet night at the house and opened presents the following morning. We had Christmas with the Schocks the day after Christmas upon their return from Kansas. Jaxon made out like a bandit (as usual) and Marley got lots of clothes (we still have all of the baby toys left from when Jax was a baby.) We had an uneventful New Year's Eve, but still managed to start the year off right.

We love our new home and neighborhood. We really couldn't have asked for more. There are several 2.5 year olds on our street too, so we didn't have to go far to find playmates for Jaxon!

Jaxon continues to be a fantastic big brother to Marley. He loves her so much and she just adores him! When we get in the car, he always looks over at her, smiles and shrieks "MARLEY!! Ah goo!" (I said once that babies can't really talk like big people yet and say things like "ah goo," so now he always says that to her!)

Marley is the polar opposite of Jaxon when he was a baby. She is already social and likes to be in on everything. Jaxon would just kind of hang out... sit in his boppy and play... not Marley! She wants to be moving! She likes to sit up and watch the people around her. Jaxon crawled late and hated tummy time... this little thing LOVES to be on her tummy, props herself up to swat at objects held above her, and at this rate, she should be crawling in no time. Jaxon over the 100th% on the growth charts from 2 weeks old... Marley is no where near her "off the charts" brother. At 4 months, she weighs about 14 pounds putting her between the 25th-50th% for weight, and 24.5 inches tall in the 50-75th% for height. That said, they were both great babies, just very different from each other.

I'll try to keep the blog updated, but with working full-time, two kids under 3, the house and a husband to take care of, I'm not making any promises! :) S

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